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Senator gets married

hand to witness the marriage of the Senate's vice president to a Barbadian statesman.Independent Sen.

hand to witness the marriage of the Senate's vice president to a Barbadian statesman.

Independent Sen. Norma Astwood and her long-time friend Sir Frank Blackman tied the knot during a private ceremony on the patio of her Hamilton Parish home last Saturday.

Dr. Astwood, who is now officially Lady Blackman but will keep her current titles in the Senate and her profession, said she met Sir Frank in Bermuda "some years ago''.

Sir Frank, a former Cabinet Secretary of Barbados, chaired the Constituency Boundaries Commission which was appointed last October.

His brother Lt. Col. Henry Blackman stood as best man, while Lady Blackman's daughter Shelley was maid of honour.

The Anglican Cathedral's Canon James Francis officiated.

Those in attendance included Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan and Lady Swan, Chief Justice the Hon. Mr. Justice Ward who is an old friend of Sir Frank, former Cabinet Secretary Mr. Kenneth Richardson, and Chief Parliamentary Counsel in the Attorney General's Chambers Mr. George Griffith.

TEMPORARY TRAFFIC LIGHTS TO GO UP TFC Temporary traffic lights to go up Temporary traffic lights have been put up on a stretch of Middle Road, Warwick. They will be up for about a week to enable the Bermuda Electric Light Company to carry out cable repairs. Yesterday, Police warned of traffic delays while the lights were up, and they urged motorists to consider using Harbour Road or South Shore Road instead.