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Editorial Board
The editorial board’s primary responsibility is to write The Royal Gazette’s editorials, which represent the voice of the Editor and the publisher. The editorial board is formed solely by Dexter Smith and oversees the Opinion section, which includes Letters to the Editor and contributed Op-Eds
Errors appearing in The Royal Gazette can be brought to the attention of the News Editor at 278-0146 or fmcwhirter@royalgazette.com from Monday to Friday. The Royal Gazette is a member of the Media Council of Bermuda and abides by its Code of Practice. More information can be found at mediacouncilofbermuda.org
Opinion Writers
Letters to the Editor
Submit a Letter
LETTERS submitted for consideration must be accompanied by the full name, address and the daytime telephone number of the sender so they can be verified. Letters without these details will not be accepted. Pen names are no longer accepted. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Editor reserves the right to waive the word limit on letters deemed to be of particular public interest. Letters must be exclusive to The Royal Gazette.
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