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Get hooked on RG podcasts! The Royal Gazette is pleased to present our exciting new Podcast Suite, providing yet another venue for Bermuda's news and topics of interest. Utilizing local experts, we provide up-to-date information on topics that are important to all of Bermuda's residents, from financial planning to health concerns. Join us regularly as not to miss out on what's happening in Bermuda!

Latest Podcast

US Consul General Karen Grissette provides an incredible insight into the important work and relationship between Bermuda and the US. So much more than immigration and visas! Please listen in to learn more.


RG Best Health Podcast

Best Health is a podcast series that gives you bite-sized tips and tricks on how to optimise your mental and physical performance. Hosted by Carrie Lee Astwood, we connect you with the very best of Bermuda’s health and wellness experts, enthusiasts and influencers


RG Business Podcast

RG Business presents the Navigate Series – a business podcast that examines global business in Bermuda, the industries and sectors that lead its economy, and the impact it has globally. Join our host Shivani Seth as she engages business experts and leaders in conversations that are shaping the next generation of Bermuda


Bermuda Islander Podcast

The Bermuda Islander Fundamental Financial Planning Primer Series (the BIFFPP Series as they will be referred to further) is written for all Bermuda Islanders and their globally mobile families, their Domestic Affairs & their International Connections across the Great Atlantic Pond.


Olderhood Radio Podcast

The Olderhood Group Ltd., is a local Bermuda registered company, owned and operated by Bermudians, Bill Storie and Robin Trimingham. The company has produced hundreds of webinars, workshops, videos and podcasts in a variety of categories including – financial management, healthcare, life transitions, career planning, personal development, and motivation.