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CURB condemns Tucker’s Point SDO as a ‘slap in the face’

A golfer plays at Tucker's Point

A special development order proposed for Tucker’s Point is seen as a desecration of the land by many in Bermuda’s East End, according to CURB president Lynne Winfield.CURB (Citizen Uprooting Racism in Bermuda) condemned the SDO as “a slap in the face” to the descendents of mainly black Bermudians evicted from the land there in the 1920s.“Most fair-minded people know that the people need an opportunity to discuss this development,” Ms Winfield said.“We take great issue with the lack of time for the public to give their opinion on this SDO. It concerns us that there’s been no opportunity to get a clear idea other than that building is to go ahead on an area of such huge historical value.”In a statement given yesterday, the group criticised the economic rationales given by Tucker’s Point and Government.“Once again, for short-term gains for the few, there will be long-term permanent loss for all the people of Bermuda, our children, our history and our environment.”Ms Winfield said large numbers of Bermudians have strong emotional ties to the open space at Tucker’s Point.“Building on it in this way is a form of desecration for those who have such attachments with the area,” she said.CURB said it joined with the Tucker’s Town Historical Society, the Bermuda National Trust and conservational groups opposed to the SDO.Former Minister of Tourism CV (Jim) Woolridge called the open spaces of Tucker’s Point “a part of Bermuda’s pristine countryside that should be preserved” and an area of crucial historical importance.The corner of St. George’s saw dozens of families evicted in the 1920s in the interests of tourism development, backed by Parliament.Mr Woolridge said: “An entire community was moved out of there. The Talbot family that’s the Talbot Brothers, the musicians and the Marsden Methodist Church, Joshua Marsden being a Methodist who was brought in to Bermuda to preach to slaves. The only vestige of what used to take place out there is a graveyard on the Castle Harbour golf course. Think of all the injury caused in that period of time and what an insult added to injury it would be to sell off that land.”l Tucker’s Town descendents meet with Minister Page 12l Useful web link: www.uprootingracism.org.