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Shakespeare Schools Festival hands out its first scholarships

All the world’s their stage: The Bermuda School Shakepeare Festival steering committee presented the scholarships to (starting from second from left) Andrew Cooper, Malachai Simmons and Rowan Vickers (and Shana Murphy, not pictured) to pursue studies in the performing arts. On hand to acknowledge the recipients were Josephine Kattan, Anne Mello (from sponsors The Argo Foundation), Jo Shane and Conchita Ming.

Four young people have been helped further on the path to their own star on Hollywood Boulevard or name in neon on Broadway with the first scholarships to be presented by the Bermuda Shakespeare Schools Festival.Malachai Simmons and Rowan Vickers have been given $3,000 each towards their college tuition, while Andrew Sussman and Shana Murphy were presented with $500 towards summer performing arts intensives.BSSF steering committee member Jo Shane noted, “The four very worthy recipients have all taken part in a Shakespeare Festival production. We are extremely grateful to this year’s Festival sponsors, in particular, the Argo Foundation, for making these scholarships possible,” Ms Shane added.Malachai Simmons will be putting his very welcome scholarship towards tuition at Edge Hill University in Ormskirk, Lancashire, UK, where he will be studying Physical Theatre.“I would have liked to have gone last year,” Malachai said. “But finances prevented it. It means so much to have this scholarship. It means a lot because it all goes toward the final goal and every bit counts. This is the first ever scholarship and it’s really great to be one of the first chosen.”Those thoughts were echoed by Rowan Vickers, who can’t wait to begin his studies at The Juilliard School in New York City. “I was involved in the Shakespeare Festival early on,” he noted, “starting as an actor and then moving on to direct. Being able to watch the Festival, the talent grow and then to be awarded a scholarship is a nice payoff.”Shana Murphy was off-Island and unavailable for interview, but Somersfield Academy student Andrew Sussman was on hand to receive his scholarship which he will put towards a summer intensive programme next year at Stagedoor Manor in upstate New York.This summer is already booked with the Bermuda Glee programme and a performing arts workshop organised by the Gilbert and Sullivan Society.Receiving the scholarship was, Andrew noted, “a tremendous honour”.He added: “I’ve always found drama to be so much fun and a great way to express myself. I’m looking forward to this opportunity to advance my knowledge in this area.”Also on hand to acknowledge the recipients were Argo Foundation representative Anne Mello, and BSSF steering committee members Josephine Kattan and Conchita Ming.Mrs Ming observed that in the current economy students need as much support as possible and she was pleased they were able to help as much as they have.“We’re pleased to play a small part in encouraging students to pursue a career in the performing arts. In the future we hope to have more funds and more recipients,” she added.