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Raising awareness about high blood pressure

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Blood pressure raisers? Ginger does provide dietary health benefits but also have blood pressure raising properties.

Take two healthy adults and who do you think is more likely to have high blood pressure the man who sits at his desk drinking cokes or the man sitting at his desk drinking ginseng tea?What about if we look at women? Who is more likely to have high blood pressure: the woman sipping a cup of ginger root in water ginger tea - or the woman drinking green tea? What about the woman who is taking the pill versus the man who takes cocaine?The answer is that all these products can raise blood pressure and so in cases where a person’s pressure is high, ie more than 120/80 mgHg, it may be wise to omit these products from their diet and use.The Hypertension Guidelines for Bermuda 2011 explains that in cases where a person’s blood pressure does not fall to the desired level with medication, the physician should reexamine all the drugs the person is taking.Everyday medications like oral decongestants, the contraceptive pill, Ritalin (often taken for attention deficit disorders) and corticosteroids (commonly used to treat asthma) can increase blood pressure.Eight medications including amphetamines and cocaine as well as seven “complimentary medicines” are listed in the guidelines as raising blood pressure.Products with caffeine including guanara, cola and green tea are listed. Ephedra, ginger, ginseng, licorice, sage and St. John’s Wort, which many women take to relieve menstrual and menopausal symptoms, are also listed.The guidelines do not suggest that everyone should refrain from using the medications and herbs listed. Those with healthy blood pressure need not make any omissions except in the case of cocaine. No one should be using cocaine. It is an illicit that causes both the body and society, more harm than good.High blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes and in Bermuda more than a quarter of adults have it. Body & Soul has partnered with the Department of Health to raise awareness of the problem and provide advice on how to both prevent and control the condition.

Green tea can cause a person?s blood pressure to rise.