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Gang mediation team land in Bermuda

A team from Boston has arrived in Bermuda to start a gang mediation programme.Minister of National Security Wayne Perinchief today announced a team from StreetSafe Boston had arrived in Bermuda to facilitate the programme.The programme is being facilitated independent of the Bermuda Police Service so that mediators remain neutral when engaging those involved in gang activity. Training for local mediators is set to begin on Monday, June 25.Mr Perinchief said: “This weekend's tragic events speak to the clear need for this initiative. Solutions to these problems do not achieve results overnight and so we renew our efforts on all fronts; committed to reversing the destructive lifestyle that is the gang culture." The Minister continued: "this week's training has been planned for some time as we sharpen the Ministry's strategic focus and meet the issues in the community head-on. Strong community involvement is a key building-block for a safer Bermuda and together, supporting initiatives like this one, will ensure safety and security for all."Funding for the programme will initially come from the Ministry of National Security and potential private and corporate donors have been invited to an information session on Thursday, June 28.