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Make salary information public

July 20, 2012Dear Sir,The Royal Gazette story of July 17, 2012 entitled “Shadow Health Minister demands answers on hospital chief of staff’s administrative leave” was most enlightening and I applaud, as I’m sure most of Bermuda does, Louise Jackson’s tenacity in getting answers to vital questions relating to our hospital.Royal Gazette reporter Sam Strangeways also deserves credit for asking tough questions of the Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB), relating to Dr Thomas salary and whether he was on full pay while on leave.However, the reply from the BHB spokesperson that BHB salaries are not public information can only be described as outrageous. While I don’t have the Government of Bermuda’s 2012 Budget figures in front of me, the 2011/12 budget which is in my possession showed the taxpayer funding the Hospital to the tune of $123 million, with approximately $84 being allocated to KEMH and $39 to MAWI.So I ask the question, why shouldn’t salary information about BHB staff, funded by the Bermuda taxpayer, be public information? Something is very wrong here and one wonders whether this lack of transparency could negatively affect donations towards the new hospital rebuild. Until we get some accountability here I can tell you that my cheque is now on hold.ALLAN D MARSHALL JPSt George’s