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Phishing scam uses real Butterfield employee details

Butterfield Bank: Targeted by scammers

Butterfield Bank has been targeted in another online e-mail scam, this one using the real name and contact details of an actual bank employee.This fraudulent e-mail correspondence asks customers to update their security questions on their online account. There is an embedded link encouraging unsuspecting victims to “Get started” changing their account details. To further trick people, the email looks to be sent by a real Butterfield employee in their electronic banking division, offering an e-mail address and working telephone number.When called, the phone number is answered by voicemail stating that the e-mail is a scam.According to the company, this particular phishing e-mail has been circulating for around three weeks and urges customers to disregard it.“As a reminder, Butterfield will never contact customers via e-mail asking them to click on a link to ‘update’ or ‘unlock’ or ‘complete’ their credentials for online account access,” the bank said in a statement. “If customers receive e-mails requesting that they do so, they should report it to the Bank (295-1111) and then delete the e-mail. Under no circumstances should they click on links embedded in such e-mails.”