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Not really a sacrifice

December 28, 2012Dear Sir,An interesting topic of discussion came to me the other day as I was thinking about the new government and talking among some family.A vast majority of each of the new members are known to own some very large businesses here in Bermuda. Our lovely newly elected Premier owns three gas stations; Grant Gibbons owns numerous businesses here on the Island; Michael Dunkley owns the local Dunkley's Dairy; and that's just to name a few of the very wealthy of our politicians of today.The newly elected OBA committed immediately that they would take a ten percent pay cut; it’s nice surely and it will save Bermuda some mere pocket change; however what we must look at is whether it really affects these wealthy politicians.Are they truly making a sacrifice by taking a ten percent pay cut if they'd be fine with nothing at all. When our leaders own multimillion dollar businesses such as gas stations, retail stores, and wholesale dairies then one must question whether taking ten percent pay cut on money that they never had before is truly a sacrifice. True sacrifice is when you put someone or something else before yourself, and truthfully stating, some of these current Ministers and members of the current government would be just fine without the money, and hence why they'd certainly be more than happy to announce publicly a ten percent pay cut on money they never had before.I'm not saying they shouldn't have done, kudos to them for doing it; like I said it did save Bermuda some mere pocket change. However I am saying that the public must look beyond the face of things and see if everything is in fact as it appears.ERON HILLSandys