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BA’s service is getting worse

August 21, 2013Dear Sir,There was a letter to the Editor in today’s paper entitled “Arrogant, indifferent and aloof” written by a “frustrated passenger”. For some reason, there was no opportunity to respond to the comments made, which highlighted the frustrations of a British Airways passenger. He was absolutely spot on. BA’s service is getting worse and worse. Recently, they cancelled a flight and did not send a replacements for three days!!!! Yes, passengers can be re-routed through the States, but that could take ages and if a passenger is flying to London for a meeting the morning of arrival (as I sometimes do), they were completely inconvenienced. We pay over the top and inflated prices to get a direct flight and BA just blithely re-routes us, with no thought or consequence to the inconvenience they have caused.If passengers wanted to go through the US they would, it would certainly be cheaper than the inflated prices that BA charges for the Bermuda-London trip, but there are lousy connections, so it takes a lot longer.BA is also starting to cancel a lot of flights. Of course everyone thinks that the flight is not full, so they find some excuse to cancel it and then have a full flight the next day. Whatever they are doing, it’s causing a lot of inconvenience. In addition, landing at Gatwick has become completely redundant. If you want to travel most places in Europe, there are very few flights from Gatwick (especially in the winter) and you have to get over to Heathrow. This is fraught with anxiety, as this section of motorway is notorious for accidents and a one-and-a-half-hour journey could be hours. Be warned, allow yourself at least three hours for this trip.Try calling BA and talking to a person to express your frustration and you get nowhere. No one takes responsibility.If Bermuda is hoping to improve European tourism, then the Department of Tourism needs to have a chat with British Airways. BA have been servicing Bermuda for years, very profitably, and we deserve much better service than we are currently getting.On a different note, what’s with the Canadian flights? There are half the flights there used to be, twice as expensive and both Air Canada and Westjet fly on exactly the same days? I just paid $817 on Westjet Bermuda-Toronto — Bermuda! I left on Thursday and had to come back on Sunday because there was not a flight on the Monday. Air Canada, who have the same schedule, was even more expensive. No wonder we have so few Canadian visitors.ANOTHER FRUSTRATED TRAVELLER