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Only better off if you work for Govt

January 27, 2014

Dear Sir,

Well, statically speaking, according to the Civil Service, I’m better off than I was 10 years ago. What a joke. Leaving aside those who worked hard and secured employment within the high paying International Business sector, I very much doubt that the average private sector Bermudian is better off and I suspect many are truly struggling. We all know who are better off though.

Who can afford overseas vacations? Government employees

Who can afford new cars? Government employees

Who has low cost comprehensive health cover? Government employees

Who has low cost generous pensions? Government employees

Who pays for all the things that Government employees enjoy. We the dwindling number of tax payers who cannot afford overseas vacations, new cars, health insurance or pensions.

The OBA can try and show empathy but unless they bring down the cost of Government employees and quickly we are only going to see our already unsustainable debt rise. Seek new areas of revenue generation but finding $300 million a year, the annual shortfall in paying our over staffed and under worked Government sector, it the near term, is pie-in-the-sky thinking that we attributed to the PLP who I accept got us into this mess in the first place.

Pull your finger out OBA. Make the hard decisions because Bermuda’s time is running short. Time for some Sage applications.

Need a vacation