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A perk too far

January 28, 2014

Dear Sir

The little things you miss in life. Today I discovered another perk and, presumably, one of the reasons that the ONLY people better off than they were 10 years ago are Civil Servants.

As I’m walking down Parliament Street I noticed that the old police parking area is now a private lot for HM Customs staff. So, while the rest of us idiots have to park at Bulls Head or any one of a number of places that cost at least $35 a week and require a significant walk, HM Customs staff get free parking?

I seriously do not get this. What special reason is there that suggests that this group should get preferred parking 100 yards from their place of work, free parking to boot, and get to clog the roadways with their cars?

And PUHLEASE do not tell me it’s because their job requires this.

The bitter taste in our mouths relating to the Civil Service is only overwhelmed by the embarrassing idiocy at City Hall. OBA, all that good stuff you are doing is getting overshadowed by the these minor embarrassments that you don’t think are important enough to deal with.