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Greenrock says: Recycle your printer cartridges!

Did You Know …?

In one year, if the world’s discarded cartridges were stacked end-to-end, they would circle the earth more than three times.

Seventy percent of used printer cartridges throughout the world are currently being thrown out.

Thankfully, printer cartridge collection and recycling programmes are becoming commonplace. Options range from refill services, to drop-off points at retailers, to postage-paid mail-in services and rebates.

But what are your options here in Bermuda?

1) Refill at Cartridge World

Instead of trashing empty printer cartridges, have them refilled. Located opposite TCD, Cartridge World Bermuda aims to provide customers with a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to continuously purchasing new printer consumables.

It also provides practical advice on how to prolong the life of your cartridges. For example: “Never let a cartridge run out of ink completely. Your inkjet will burn out if it continues to fire while the supply of ink is cut off. Always have a replacement cartridge on hand. If the cartridge is showing ‘empty’, have it refilled or replaced immediately.”

Cartridge World offers a Recycling Collection Bin service. “If you are interested in having Cartridge World set up a cartridge recycling programme with your business, school or organisation, please contact us and ask for a Recycling Collection Bin.”

Visit Cartridge World Bermuda online at www.cartridgeworldbda.com or call 295-2603.

2) Drop-off at Tops or AF Smith

Trashed printer cartridges end up being burned at Tynes Bay Incinerator. A better choice is to drop-off your empties for recycling at Tops on Mill Creek Road or AF Smith on Tumkins Lane.

Visit Tops Ltd online at www.topsltd.bm or call 292-5500. Visit AF Smith online at www.afsmith.bm or call 292-1882.

3) eWaste Drop-off Days

The Waste Management Section of the Ministry of Public Works organises eWaste drop-off days, and lists them on its annual Garbage & Recycling Schedule.

Chipped printer cartridges can be dropped off at eWaste events on March 8, July 12 and November 22.

It also accepts eWaste at its Materials Recovery Facility (18 Quarry Road, Hamilton Parish) from Monday to Friday by appointment by calling 501-3023.

Visit Government’s Waste Management Section online at www.wastemanagement.gov.bm, call 501-3023 or e-mail recycle@gov.bm for further information.

4) Buy Smart

Prevention is better than cure. The smartest way to reduce printer ink cartridge costs and waste is to choose carefully when buying your printer. It saves you money in the long-term to invest in an energy efficient printer that uses fewer larger (and ideally refillable) cartridges. Be sure to ask your retailer about the consumables when buying a printer, ie how many pages each ink cartridge will print, and what the cartridges cost to refill or replace. While you’re at it, also ask about the printer’s energy efficiency rating.

If you know of other printer cartridge collection and recycling programmes available in Bermuda, or want to share your experiences with the services listed, please let us know by e-mail to news@greenrock.org.

Greenrock is registered charity with the mission “Engaging the Community to Share Solutions for a Sustainable Bermuda”. Visit our website at www.greenrock.org for more tips and ideas and consider joining Greenrock to become a member of our Green Buildings Forum, which helps businesses reduce their environmental impact.

Greenrock, www.greenrock.org, was established to engage the community to share solutions for a sustainable Bermuda. It aims to promote education and awareness of our choices and to encourage respect for the environment in people of all ages. Greenrock also develops and promotes environmental projects for the benefit of the public and it aims to stimulate public awareness of and understanding of such projects. It also acts as a facilitator of research, a communicator and a repository for information, ideas and knowledge relating to sustainable development.