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There must be more to this

February 6, 2014

Dear Sir,

May I comment on the recent industrial dispute. At press conferences, Chris Furbert of The Bermuda Industrial Union seemed to be laughing and gloating at the management and the government, as the events of the recent strike came to fruition. In contrast Minister Michael Fahy seemed concerned and caring, as he went about trying to broker a deal that would be to the benefit to everyone. The rehiring of unneeded bar porters, because proper procedure was not followed, indicates that even unaffordable labour should be given jobs, regardless. This does not fly in usual good business practice. There must be more to this that we common folk, do not know about. Perhaps a big deal, worth millions, is about to happen, and the rehiring of the bar porters were part of it. Only time will tell, as to whom these casino licences will be given.

Perhaps, just maybe, politics had a lot to do with this week’s events. The BIU is in bed with the PLP, and it is in their interest to embarrass the OBA govt. If a anti-labour or anti-working class picture can be painted of the OBA, then there is only one winner, you guessed it, the PLP.

Jobs are hard to come by, some say because of the overspending, indebtedness and fiscal irresponsibility of the former govt. The present govt is not in a position to start major projects, but in fact will have to make unpopular cuts, that will affect those who are dependent on govt’s assistance. How are the unions going to react when some of the Sage recommendations are introduced? The Civil Service may have to take a pay cut, we are continuing to borrow $300 million annually to keep govt going. About 55 percent of govt expenditure is on wages, if my memory serves me well.

Back to the labour dispute. Future investors must have been cringing at the site of a labour organisation gaining popularity as it broke laws. There must be notice given before strike action, by those not directly involved in the dispute, ie the Marine and Ports and Transportation workers. Well, going forward is going to be interesting, but one thing is for sure, the BIU is playing its part in trying to, get the PLP reelected. For that, they do deserve credit! I just hope the country is not brought to its knees, as those in power seek to hold on, or those who lost power, seek to regain, at the expense of us all!