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Michael Douglas Facebook page says a new cottage colony is to be built

A posting on Michael Douglas's official Facebook page indicating the movie star is involved in plans to build a cottage colony.

A new cottage colony is planned, according to a Facebook page which is described as movie star ‘Michael Douglas’s official Facebook page.’

According to the page on the social media website, Mr Douglas wrote: “Just returned from Bermuda, the home of my mothers family for the last 400 years! The family has had a cottage colony called Ariel Sands for the past 60 years. Now we are building a new one ... very exciting.”

He also posted two photographs of himself dressed warmly, on a beach with palm trees growing from the sand and blue water in the background.

The posting has earned nearly 40,000 ‘likes’ and more than 2,000 comments.

‘Theresa Brentano’ posted ‘Yaaaaay!!!’ in response, and ‘Heather Chilvers’ wrote ‘Great news! welcome back!’ ‘Arthur LM Wade’ said: “Michael you make all of us Bermudians proud. Can’t wait to add this to the Bermudaful tour route.”

And ‘Lexy Correia’ posted: “Welcome home!

“Looking forward to hearing the plans for Ariel Sands. It’s a beautiful property.

“As a local artist, I hope the decorators will be using some of our work for the decor.”