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Double Fantasy Garden is a medal winner at Chelsea Flower Show

Impressed: Artist Nicky Gurret strikes a pose before her award-winning Bermuda Double Fantasy Garden at London’s Chelsea Flower Show.

A garden honouring the “Double Fantasy” flower that inspired John Lennon’s final album has been awarded a bronze medal at the Chelsea Flower Show in London.

The Bermuda Double Fantasy Garden was created by floral artist and architect Nicky Gurret, incorporating a palette of local flowers and also paying homage to the Fairmont Hamilton Princess Hotel, which celebrates its 130th anniversary next year.

Appearing at the show on Monday, Ms Gurret dressed up as Queen Victoria’s daughter Princess Louise, after whom the iconic Bermuda hotel was named.

The Chelsea Flower Show is the most famous event of its kind in the UK, and visitors to the Bermuda Double Fantasy Garden have been treated to many aspects of the Island, such as its verdant landscapes and pink sand beaches.

The garden also honours Mr Lennon, the former Beatle, who stayed in Bermuda for two months during the summer of 1980 and wrote and worked on songs that were released on his final album later that year. The album was called Double Fantasy after the name of a freesia he came across while visiting the Bermuda Botanical Gardens.

Ms Gurret draws inspiration from Bermuda’s flora and fauna. Plants typically found in Bermuda, such as the hibiscus, the Bermuda Easter lily and palms feature in the garden display.

Her career as an architect has helped Ms Gurret to create structural gardens and floral arrangements.

She obtained a licence to exhibit a copy of a watercolour that Princess Louise painted while in Bermuda in 1883. The replica of the watercolour was placed on the easel in garden.

Ms Gurret has exhibited at the Chelsea Flower Show four times in the past: three times in floral arranging and once in creating a garden for The Grand Pavilion. On each occasion her displays have won medals. In 2005 she was awarded a bronze for ‘A Glimpse of Paradise’ display. In 2007, her second exhibit, ‘Floral Profusion’ achieved a silver medal. The 2009 entry won a silver gilt with a structural floral design titled, ‘Thoroughly Modern.’ Her most recent exhibit received a silver medal in 2011, which was a garden design called, ‘The Bermuda Honeymoon Garden,’ created in collaboration with the Department of Parks.

Ms Gurret has won several other floral design awards, such as first place at the NAFAS National Show in Bournemouth for her flower arrangement titled, ‘On a Wing,’ as well as winning the Bermuda NAFAS cup on several occasions at the annual Bermuda exhibition. She has exhibited numerous times in The World Association of Flower Arrangers, which takes place every four years and this June takes place in Dublin, Ireland where she will exhibit again.

The Chelsea Flower Show continues at London’s Royal Hospital until tomorrow.