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School’s beefed-up security proves effective

Head of advancement at Saltus, Jon Beard

Security measures put in place at Saltus have proven effective, catching intruders who have attempted to access the school’s property.

Head of advancement Jon Beard said a fence, gates, CCTV and a security guard put in place had been in response to parental concerns as the Island’s gun violence rose.

“There was an incident down by BHS where, thank God, nobody was hurt — those situations can occur outside any school at any time,” Mr Beard said, referring to an arrest in May by armed police of a man suspected of firearms offences.

“Around Christmas we had a situation in the staff car park here which we caught on CCTV and were able to deal with it. We’ve had it happen in the past when people just walked in and took bikes.”

The school has installed a fibre optic cable system for educational technology which has also proven handy for cameras.

“A part of that has been the opportunity to put in place a security system that’s got longevity,” Mr Beard said.

Doors automatically lock and the school’s classrooms can be locked down electronically if such a need arose.

Although the installation of the security gate at St John’s Road with a full-time security guard has been viewed by some as excessive, Mr Beard said the school had opted to err on the side of caution.

“If people complain about the fencing around the property, they’d also complain if we didn’t have it.

“For some people, the gate may seem like an extravagance, but it keeps our students more secure. When it first went in, some people were concerned that it wasn’t necessary — it’s now become part and parcel of daily life.”