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Some reasons for men to be proud to be men

The invasion of Bermuda’s roadside verges includes trash trees like Peppers, as well as non-living and non-decaying forests of glass garbage.

June 22, 2014

Dear Sir,

I read with interest the article by Edward Harris on littering, but thought that it was spoiled by a cheap pandering aside to the effect that litterers tend to be mainly male.

A quick google search finds no obvious evidence of this assertion. As a JP, PHD, MBE, Mr Harris no doubt moves in those cultured, upper class, liberal circles that take delight in disparaging males as a way to curry favour with his audience. Well, perhaps we are cocky and adventurous and questioning of authority, but we did invent just about every important invention known to man (and woman). Perhaps too, we are aggressive and violent, but we fight wars on behalf of our fellow citizens and we account for just about all the workplace deaths in mining, fishing, construction, firefighting, policing, and other dangerous work.

Why, you might even at times call us antisocial, but remember that the well-ordered, civilised society you inherited and benefit from was constructed by males. And while we may sometimes be too comfortable with our bad hairstyles and unkempt appearance, we also provide the majority of the plastic surgeons so beloved by the fairer sex.