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How dark should tint be?

June 30, 2014

Dear Sir,

Regarding recent discoveries of new laws, made by the current government (despite not mentioning TCD will increase licensing fees for all vehicles soon), I feel one such law strangely, should’ve been introduced but was never thought of.

Have you ever noticed just how big Bermuda really/truly is? I thought it was 21 square miles with narrow winding roads. Okay, Stone Crusher corner and East Broadway are wider than expected, but where else is there space for a car with four mufflers? A car with that type of ‘speed’ behind it? Nowhere, right?

So why is TCD/the Transport Minister allowing such vehicles to be driven on Bermuda’s roads?

It’s bad enough we’ve had many accidents already. We don’t need someone to get ‘gas happy’ with a superfast car.

Also, Shawn Crockwell mentioned ‘darker tint’, but just how dark is dark?

Okay, I’ve seen a few Peugeot cars with a slightly darker tint, but you were still able to see the driver.

So the question remains, if looking for cars to have taxi tint, the question is why? After all, Bermuda still has ‘gangs’ and giving people the opportunity to have such tint on their cars guarantees them to be more ‘proactive in drive-by shootings’.

However, if cars have that slightly darker look then you’ll still know who’s driving such a vehicle.