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Cogent position required on status issue

July 21, 2014

Dear Sir,

We now find ourselves embroiled in the issue of Status by grant for our permanent residents due to an unintended path created by a lack of attention to detail in a matter fraught with serious ramifications. It may well be that this may be considered fortuitous depending upon your point of view or political agenda.

It is being postulated most ridiculously in my view that this may be Status by stealth or by a most untoward method. If either of these positions are to be taken seriously it would make the Chief Justice of this country guilty of complicity in this matter given his recent ruling.

Such thinking is absurd and contemptuous of the highest legal authority in Bermuda.

I take the position that the time has come to address a most vexing problem that has been ignored for far too long. It is right that this issue has come front and centre with the demand for a just and fair resolution. Our PRC’s should be able to apply for Status by grant on a case-by-case basis as this would be fair and the right thing to do.

As a Christian man this seems to me to be appropriate for our residents who have contributed substantially to the well being of Bermuda as the rest us have and be able to vote for what they feel is best for us going forward.

It always gives me regret that we do not seem to hear a more robust commentary emanating from such vibrant Christian community on what I consider is an issue for what would be the morally correct position to take on a matter such as this.

In Bermuda we say that idea of second class citizenship is repulsive and revolting but in this case we seem feel it is justified.

Our sense of empathy and sympathy is thrown to the wind in this matter by a segment of our community, while I acknowledge this is their right, I feel they are wrong! If these hordes of interlopers who would take our jobs and buy every house at the lower ceiling were demanding clearance at customs I would be leading the charge against them. This is of course not the case!

We should calm down and use a logical and reasoned approach to these people who should be treated with some charity and consideration.

Have they earned the right for consideration of status? I believe they have, this far from demanding status outright and en bloc which I am against.

We have an opportunity to do what I believe is fundamentally right and be blessed of God Almighty for doing so.

The PLP are most correct to demand a cogent position on this issue for our consideration from the government and show what is needed at this time which is able and competent leadership!