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Tributes to teacher and principal Moorhead, who has died at 79

Well remembered: Mervyn Moorhead, pictured when he was principal of St George’s Prep School

Former St George’s Prep principal Mervyn Moorhead has died at the age of 79.

Mr Moorhead taught at St George’s Grammar School and later became principal of St George’s Prep. He died last week. A remembrance service was held in his memory yesterday at Christ Church Warwick.

Friends, colleagues and former students have signed an online guest book, sharing memories of Mr Moorhead.

Honey Adams wrote: “We were quite fortunate to have Mr Moorhead teach me and my siblings. He was firm and fair. Someone who I consider a great teacher. A wonderful man who I have known my entire life. He will be missed.”

Grace Bell described Mr Moorhead as a “super human being” and the best headmaster the students at St George’s Prep could have had.

“When we met he was always interested in the success and progress of his former charges,” she added.

Barbara Maguire said: “He was the best English teacher ever. I am proud to have been among the first class he taught in Bermuda. We’ve enjoyed many a laugh over the years.

“He was always so proud of his family (especially his grands) and loved his students (most of them anyway!) I will miss his cheeky smile so very much.”

Jenny Gosling said that Mr Moorhead was one of the most interesting teachers she had, saying: “He was strict, but there was a warmth and humour behind the strictness, and a real wish to help us achieve our all. I have many fond memories of his classes — he introduced us to so many interesting stories and ideas, which remain vivid 30 years later.

And Carolyn Brown wrote: “I admire the way he pushed us but also made us laugh. He was stern, but his heart was huge. I learned so much from him and because of him. He encouraged and demanded the best from me and others academically as well as socially. I am forever grateful for the role that he played in my academic life.”