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Red Cross to host meeting in Bermuda

Red Cross representatives from throughout the Caribbean are coming to the Island for a meeting of the Red Cross Disaster Risk Reduction Programme Coordinators.

The meeting at the Coco Reef Hotel will involve Red Cross branches from Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos between September 22 and 26.

The Disaster Risk Reduction programme is aimed at identifying vulnerable communities and providing assistance and support to empower those communities in the event of a disaster.

This event is the first of its kind to be hosted by Bermuda, and a spokeswoman for the Bermuda Red Cross said it would he an opportunity to both highlight the Island and engage the visitors in the Pembroke community. The Bermuda Red Cross has been working for the past two years with residents of the Fentons Drive area in Pembroke, which has formed its own community group to help handle unforeseen circumstances.

“The International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement plays an important role globally in providing resources to assist governments in their response to disasters, which affect communities,” the spokeswoman said. “This is an example of thinking globally whilst acting locally.”

Among those due to take part in the meeting are Regional Disaster Risk Reduction coordinator Chintan Dabhi from BVI, disaster risk adviser for the Department for International Development Steven Hillier, and programme support manager from British Red Cross, Kevin Studds.