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I smell a rat

22 October, 2014

Dear Sir,

I have to commend Bermuda for getting everything cleaned up so quickly after this last Hurricane, except the Trash Trucks!

Where are they?! As a taxpayer I have paid for this service and I am not only not receiving it, but I am not being informed of what is happening. We have the right to know.

Their regular trash day was before Hurricane Fay hit the Island, and they knew it was coming, but they never showed up to pick up the trash.

Nor did they pick up the trash before the last Hurricane, so our neighbors trash became missiles during the Hurricane.

Now we have a rat problem, because now we have so much trash, that, may I add, was supposed to be picked up yesterday.

The roads are all clear, and yet there isn’t any trash trucks and no explanation either!

It used to be if a Hurricane was predicted to come, the trash trucks would pick up everyone’s trash, even if it wasn’t their day to do so, they would do overtime to get it all done. Now roads are clean, but there is now stinking rotting bags and bags of trash everywhere!

Maybe The Royal Gazette needs to do a story on that! To get things moving.

Something smelly going on.