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Fact or fiction? Busting a few fitness myths

Personal trainer Becky Wright

On paper it all looks right: you’ve got your gym membership, sneakers, water bottle and iPod loaded with the Rocky theme tune. You’ve got a bag full of motivation and are laser-focused on your goals. Lately you’ve been consistent with your workout routine and deserve nothing less than an A+ when it comes to effort ... but, here’s the crunch: you’re not getting the results you want. There are a lot of reasons why you might not be seeing the fruits of your labour. So let’s bust some of these fitness myths once and for all.

Myth No 1: Crunches give you a flat stomach

I have to say I shed a little tear every time I see one of those infomercials selling the latest fancy piece of equipment with the promise of ‘super hot abs’. Save your $$$! The reality is, there is not one particular exercise that will give you a flat stomach, nor is there any way of burning excess body fat from a certain area. Our bodies are pretty complex machines and there are many factors unique to each of us which determine where we store body fat. If a flat stomach or six-pack is what you truly desire, then an overall reduction in body fat should be your goal. Your best bet is to follow a training regime that incorporates a variety of total body exercises to maximise fat burn and build lean muscles. Diet is also crucial. I say it to my clients all the time: ‘abs are made in the kitchen’. Focus your efforts on eating a portion-controlled and nutrient-dense diet, be patient, be consistent and a more defined midsection will emerge.

Myth No 2: Weights make you big and bulky

If this were the case, right now I would be giving the Incredible Hulk a run for his money! Full disclosure, I lift weights a lot, and over the last few years my body has only got leaner and firmer as a result. Ladies, I can assure you weight training will not make you big and bulky, it’s a biological impossibility as we just don’t have the levels of testosterone to build big muscles like guys do. Conversely, over time, weight training may actually make you smaller, or at the very least, give you the appearance of a well-sculpted, tighter physique. This happens because lifting weights helps develop lean muscle, which, volume for volume, takes up less space than body fat, hence the tighter appearance. And, what’s more, muscle is a metabolically active tissue, meaning it can actually help burn calories and fat, even when you’re not working out. So don’t be afraid to acquaint yourself with the weights rack and lift some cold hard iron.

Myth No 3: You have to spend hours in the gym to get a great physique

More is not always better when it comes to attaining the body of your dreams. The key is to workout smarter and to maximise on your time in the gym. You don’t need to spend hours slaving away doing slow-paced cardio in the ‘fat burning’ zone. Shorter HIIT (high-intensity interval training) style workouts can be a more effective option for burning fat and improving fitness. Are you lifting weights and trying to build muscle but short on time? If so, try a super-set or tri-set routine. This is where you perform two or three exercises working the same muscle or muscle groups back to back with no or very little rest period between each move. Training like this means you complete a lot more repetitions in a shorter space of time — now that’s what I call bang for your buck.

Myth No 4: You can eat what ever you want if you train hard

This is probably the hardest myth to accept, but here’s the reality check — you cannot out train on a bad diet. You may be exercising hard four to five times a week, but if what you’re eating is junk or even if it’s healthy but in excess of your caloric needs, then weight gain will follow. Yes, exercise will help you become fitter and offers numerous other health benefits, but if weight loss or fat loss is your ultimate goal, then you absolutely must address your diet too, as about 80 percent of body composition is determined by what you eat. Now, I won’t lie, I’ve been there, pushed hard in the gym and thought my efforts ‘deserved’ a treat, so I go home and raid the fridge. And there I am, back at square one, duh! Over the years, I’ve found that one strategy to overcome this is to plan ahead. I know I’ll be hungry post workout, so I always make sure I have something nutritious on standby to eat as soon as I’ve finished my session. Similarly, I don’t deny myself treats entirely, but instead I plan them into my weekly meal plan so I know they’ll fit with my overall fat loss goals. This way I can enjoy them guilt-free knowing they won’t hinder my results in the gym.

Becky Wright is a qualified personal trainer, nutritional therapist and international bikini fitness champion. She has worked with various clients worldwide, including royalty. Becky currently works at Alchemy Fitness: wwe.alchemy.bm