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Make a decision!

Options. As we move through our lives and our vocations we always face options as to which path to take. We can all take advice on which path to take but in the final analysis a choice between two reasonable options will always provide benefits and this experience will help you as you face options again. The key is to always make a decision and move forward! Too much time is spent on the analysis of the options results in paralysis by analysis. Do your homework, assess the pros and cons — then make a decision. Decisions lead to actions, actions lead to results, and results lead to change. So as we move towards the end of a year and look forward to a new one — identify the changes you want to make, assess your options, and hit the ground running as you start yet another phase in your life and your business.

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” - Andy Warhol

For more information, visit the SBA website at www.smallbusinessadvisors.com , call 295-7832 or e-mail dhhills@ibl.bm. You can view past boosters at http://www.smallbusinessadvisors.com/boosters/index.htm