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Ten schools close early over union meetings

The Ministry of Education has had to accept the inevitable and announce that some of the public schools and preschools are closing early today owing to insufficient staff support. Parents will be notified by school staff of early closures.

As of noon today the following schools have closed: CedarBridge Academy, Berkeley Institute, Port Royal, East End, Dalton E Tucker, TN Tatem, Gilbert Institute, St George’s Prep, and the St John’s and St David’s preschools.

Hours earlier, the ministry had hoped to salvage a situation brought on by the union meetings on the future of furlough days by promising a “skeleton crew”.

But the Bermuda Union of Teachers was determined that its members were fully represented at a meeting that ended with a march on the Cabinet Building.

“The Ministry of Education’s support staff and technical team will be working diligently with all school principals to provide needed support,” the ministry had said in a statement.

“The ministry is cognisant of the many questions that parents might have concerning the operation of schools and will keep parents and the public apprised of any new developments that may occur during the course of the day.

“We must all hope that the issues over which the industrial action has arisen are resolved as soon as possible.”