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Kind Students of Excellence go extra mile

CedarBridge Students serving seniors at The Devonshire Recreation Club.

CedarBridge Academy’s Students of Excellence took the time out of their precious academic schedule to serve the seniors at Devonshire Recreation Club. Student Government Association teamed up with The Girls Club in this community service.

Students served soup and dessert such as cake and fruit salad. However, representing CedarBridge Academy in a positive matter is a way to bring the students and the community together. Students brought smiles to the seniors’ faces with their patience, support and respect. As for one of the prefects Ashanti Stovell who stated, “I really enjoyed serving our people, and I could not help but smile when one lady told me how I was so nice and thanked me profusely because I gave her extra butter.” Many seniors have complimented the students for their hard work and thought during that hour. Specifically in my experience, one lady complimented on how I carried myself with a smile and manners. The students of CedarBridge Academy learned how the kind things that can be done for others can go a long way. We encourage the community to help others or to start a chain reaction. For example, opening the door for a stranger or giving up your seat on the bus.