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Twitter party reaches thousands

Twitter party: A resounding success, according to organiser TLF

Bermuda’s first ever Twitter party reached a total of 150,000 people, organisers said yesterday.

The event — organised by the Technology Leadership Forum (TLF) — aimed to highlight technology and the careers available.

Special hashtags received more than 77 local and international contributors and the hashtags tracked 700 tweets and just under 700,000 impressions.

Sandra De Silva, chairman of the TLF, said: “These are amazing statistics... we look forward to engaging all technology enthusiasts in the future.”

The Twitter party was held at Cafe 10 on Hamilton’s Dundonald Street on Tuesday and featured a large screen TV to showcase a live Twitter feed.

Ms De Silva said that the TLF continues to look for college and university students for its summer internship programme.

She added that students interested in a career in information technology should apply for internships as soon as possible.

For more information on TLF, visit www.tlf.bm.