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Mother’s anger at bus stroller ban

Dear Sir,

I am a 25-year-old mother of a two-year-old and a one-year-old.

This morning I caught the bus, as I do most days of the year, with my double stroller. The bus driver told me that I would no longer be able to board the bus with my double stroller because it is too big.

My youngest child is a year and four months old and I have been catching the bus for the last 13 months with this same stroller. I told him that I catch the bus every day and no driver had ever said anything to me about not being able to use my stroller.

I then asked the driver how did he expect me to get my children where we needed to go. He said to me that he didn’t know but I should get an umbrella stroller. I asked him where did he expect me to get the money for one and said “Are you going to buy me one?”

He became angry and said no way! Then he said to the tourists seated directly in front of me, “See what I have to put up with?” I was extremely embarrassed.

I decided to call the Bus Terminal. I asked a manager was it correct that all of a sudden I am not allowed to board the bus with my double stroller. He said that some drivers may oblige me and some won’t.

I asked him how would I get my children to and from school and he said that that would be up to me. I asked if PTB was going to buy smaller strollers and he said no. I told him that all drivers would let me get to where I need to go as they have all along. Eventually he hung up the phone.

Most people who are using public transportation aren’t doing it by choice. I also don’t choose to have a large double stroller. If I could afford a smaller stroller, I would use one to make it easier to get around with my kids, not just on the bus but in general.

I am embarrassed and angry. Unless they are buying people smaller strollers or making accommodation for larger strollers or even alerting the public in advance, they should not be able to deny a mother with her two young children because of a stroller.