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Festival to focus on Jamaican jerk cuisine

The Jamaican Association of Bermuda is staging the JAB One Love Jerk Festival on Sunday at Shelly Bay Field under the theme “One love, One heart, One people”.

The family festival places an emphasis on the world-renowned Jamaican jerk cuisine. Jamaica is known for its versatility in food and culture. One such cuisine is the authentic Jamaican jerk, which has been featured on the Food and Travel Networks and was enjoyed by American President Barack Obama on his vist to Jamaica last week.

The jerk cuisine has everything to do with spices, meat preparation and cooking method used.

To help to meet the demand for the delectables at the event, Fish N Tings and Jamaican Grill restaurants will also be on hand. The menu will include jerk chicken, jerk pork, jerk fish, festival (a sweet, fried, maize dumpling), soup, ackee and saltfish, traditional local dishes, rice and peas, and others. The event is free of charge, however food and beverages of all kinds will be on sale.

It should be noted that the objective of the festival is to promote love, unity and camaraderie within the communities across Bermuda. “We believe that, as a people and a community, we all have a collective responsibility to create the model society we want to live in and be a part of,” said Marlene Flynn-Carty, the event chairwoman.

“We believe in sharing love towards our fellow brothers and sisters. The JAB One Love Jerk Festival aims to do just that by bringing together in one place, people across every nationality here in Bermuda.

“By doing so, we are intertwining the uniqueness of different cultures through our embracing the mantra, ‘No matter where we are from, our ethnicity, background or religion, we are one’.”

The event will feature a variety of activities to include a Twenty20 cricket game beginning at noon. Also there will be card games, dominoes, tug-o-war, face painting, fun castles, cultural performances, product showcasing from sponsors and a free health check-up station.

Music will be provided by Magnum Force and After-Dark Sound, with live performances from Septimus, Bobby Washington, Laritta Adderley, Whopper Benz, E-Levels, Three Kings, General Senda, Niambi Landy & friends (dance and modelling), Bermuda Squad, Original Live Wires and many more. The event will also be broadcast live across Jamaica and the Jamaican diaspora by Power 106FM from Kingston, Jamaica.

Power 106FM, through its parent company Independent Radio Company Ltd, has marketed itself over the years as the diaspora connection station through the popular Dervan Malcolm, host of the radio programmes Both Sides of the Story and Diaspora Live. Mr Malcolm is scheduled to be in Bermuda from tomorrow until next Tuesday doing live broadcasts and interviews from various locations.

“Our last event drew a crowd of some 1,500 to 2,000 and was a great family event for all,” Ms Flynn-Carty added. “This year, we are aiming to make it bigger.”

For further information on this event, visit www.jamaicabda.org.

• The Jamaican Association (Bermuda) is registered charity 611. It meets on the last Tuesday of every month in the Dr EF Gordon meeting room at the Bermuda Industrial Union in Hamilton.