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Moth regatta in works

Flying ace: Nathan Outteridge, of Artemis Racing, takes a Moth Dinghy out on the Great Sound

Bermuda could host a regatta featuring America’s Cup sailors competing in the foiling International Moth dinghy.

The Royal Gazette has learned that the groundwork for the regatta has already been laid with invitations sent out to sailors, while various other plans regarding the logistics of the event have also been put in place.

Finer details of the event such as date and venue remain a mystery, however, with organizers declining to comment.

There are presently five International Moths owned by local sailors.

The single handed Moth is the most technically advanced racing dinghy in the world and is designed and built to fly on hyrdofoils at high speeds like the America’s Cup Class wing-sail catamarans.

It is why the high performance dinghy has become an integral part of training for America’s Cup teams.

“Sailing Moths is a big part of our preparations,” Rome Kirby, of Oracle Team USA, said. “We are sailing Moths at this point on our own to kind of stay current.

“Each guy on the boats nowadays has to be tactically sound and in tune to what’s going on. Each guy has to think on his own and make decisions on his own as well as being aware and up to speed with what’s going on.”

Peter Burling, who replaced Dean Barker as helmsman of Emirates Team New Zealand this year, is the International Moth World Champion.