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The Bermuda village is dysfunctional

Ayo Kimathi

Dear Sir,

I recently read somewhere that Bermuda was one of the happiest places on Earth and I wondered who on earth the person who did the poll spoke to? Certainly not to the vicious racists who invited the “Racist Genie” Ayo Kimathi to Bermuda and applauded his stupid, racist rant.

First of all, African history is the history of mankind. It has been genetically proved that we all came out of Africa and that includes Michael Fahy and LaVerne Furbert. We are all Africans and should be proud of those early humans who walked north, south, west and east to populate this world.

If you look at the blackest aboriginal Australian, you would be surprised to learn they are more closely related to the Chinese than their cousins in Africa, so skin colour is mysterious. Why mankind has chosen to make a fuss about skin colour only shows how much less successful we are at embracing each other than “lesser” animals on Earth. The beautiful black panther has no problem finding a mate among his paler brethren; neither does a black dog or chicken, so that debunks interracial marriage as well. I wonder if Mr Kimathi would reject the blood of someone of his own blood group if their skin colour did not fit his blinkered outlook? I bet he wouldn’t even ask.

Ask him how many blind racists he has met?

Attacking homosexuals is the same as attacking someone who likes girls with long legs. Sexual preference is not something one can choose; it happens and it does happen within Africa with great regularity and many, many Muslims are also gay, despite the foolish claims coming out of the Middle East and Asia. People are born gay and we need to appreciate the wonderful gifts to humanity such as Michelangelo, Versace, Freddie Mercury, Oscar Wilde and many gay politicians in Bermuda who have to hide their homosexuality for fear of condemnation.

Sitting in the cinema, Mr Kimathi must have noticed the pale skins and light eyes of some of the audience. They are the children of mixed heritage, and this mixing in no way diminishes their worth. As for his calls for genocide, I think that is a hate crime which would be prosecuted in many countries.

While I have no solutions to this stupid mindset that seems to invade every phase of Bermudian life, I do think you do not qualify as one of the happiest places in the world, but one of the most discontented places in history. You should be proud of your country and all of your countrymen, and get along with them. It takes a village to raise a child and your village is dysfunctional. As Rodney King said, “why can’t we all get along”.



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