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US Consulate to sponsor benefits meeting

United States Consul General Mary Ellen Koenig

The United States Consulate will sponsor a public meeting to discuss US social security benefits and related issues.

The meeting will begin at 12.30pm on Tuesday, November 3, in the Bermudez Room at XL Catlin, Bermudiana Road.

Speakers will include US Consul General Mary Ellen Koenig, US Consul Mila Millman and Vivian Adebayo, the regional federal benefits officer for the San Jose region of the US Social Security Administration.

Ms Adebayo administers programmes that pay approximately $450 million to nearly 67,000 beneficiaries throughout the Western Hemisphere, with the exclusion of beneficiaries residing in Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Those wishing to attend the meeting should provide their names by e-mail to hamiltonconsulate@state.gov or call 278-7504 no later than Friday this week.