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Create a plan and act

David Hills (Photo by Mark Tatem) ¬

Challenges. Every day in our lives and in business we are faced with decisions that may also be defined as challenges.

These “speed bumps”, as I like to refer to them, make us sit up and pay attention to what we are doing and how we are doing them.

The keys to successfully overcoming these events, are to take the time to assess all of the options you can identify, assess the implications in the various courses of action, and then act!

Doing nothing is not normally an option as things usually stay the same or get worse.

Create a plan and take the steps to move to the next level and to better prepare yourself each time for the next challenge that awaits.

Continual progress and learning are the keys — as we all learnt long ago — be prepared!

“Throughout the years of your life you will face many challenges, remember that you can climb the highest mountain, drive through the roughest storm, soar across the bluest sky, or even sail across the roughest waters. It is only destined by your attitude where you will end up in life. The most important thing is don’t let yourself get lost in the crowd”- Angela Duvall