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Love everyone and be thankful for all things

Be grateful: for the gift of salvation, a reader writes

Dear Mr Editor,

As Bermudians, we do not generally celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving; however, as Christians, our attitude should definitely be an attitude of gratitude.

We are, as you know, thankful for the life and blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, so we celebrate the risen life of Jesus Christ and receive His salvation.

As an open letter to the bride of Christ, I encourage each of us to take a close reflective look at ourselves during this special time of thankfulness, as the American influence is so heavy upon us.

If we are committing adultery, let us stop; if we are committing incest, let us stop; if we are hoarding, let us stop; if we are hating, let us stop.

Whatever we are doing, if it is harmful to our soul’s deliverance, let us cease now for Jesus our judge is indeed coming soon.

If we have hurt our brother, sister, mother, father, neighbour, co-worker, relative, church member, in-laws, whomever, let us make apologies and ask for forgiveness, for indeed Jesus is coming soon.

We do not want to be caught out in a place of “unforgiveness” when Jesus comes, for He is indeed coming again.

We all want to be ready; the time is closer then we think. People are dying every day. We must live as if today is our last.

Let us not take the free gift of salvation for granted. Let us love everyone every day and be thankful for all things.

Sincerely, Sister in Christ C. WAVERLEY MINORS