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Premier answering your questions live online

Outlining plans: readers are invited to ask Michael Dunkley, the Premier, about the Bermuda Government’s intentions for the coming legislative year. He will be online live from 10am (File photograph)

Readers of The Royal Gazette have the chance this morning to grill Michael Dunkley online about this year’s Throne Speech.

The Premier will be taking part in a live question and answer session from 10am today about the initiatives laid out in the 30-page speech delivered by the Governor on November 13.

The aim of the online event is to give people the chance to ask the Premier directly about the Bermuda Government’s plans for the 2015-16 legislative year, which include increasing protection of children, seniors and the sick, ending conscription, strengthening the Human Rights Act, banning dark-tinted visors on motorcycle helmets, and continuing to curb government spending.

Mr Dunkley will be answering questions for 30 minutes specifically related to issues raised in the 2015 Throne Speech, so readers are asked to please keep their queries relevant to the discussion. The Q & A will start at www.royalgazette.com at 10am. To take part, simply click on the advert on the front page of our website and post your question.

You can also post a question by using the hashtag #liveThroneSpeechQandA on Twitter, or you can e-mail it to news@rg.bm