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We must avoid ‘debt-fuelled materialism’

Pressure of commercialism: many buy into the ideal of spending big on presents during the festive period

Dear Sir,

I just want to write to say I read many of Martha Myron’s articles in the Money section. I thoroughly enjoy reading every one of them!

I must admit some are a bit beyond my comprehension, as maths and numbers aren’t my strongest suit; however, I’ve learnt and known from a young age the value of saving and being wise as well as frugal.

The most recent one I have read, about avoiding the “debt-fuelled materialism trap” has much in regard to spending habits during holiday times. In this world we live in today, economically we are strapped, many are struggling and many seem to have the ideal of satisfying everyone on their list, overindulging and buying into the commercialism that has unfortunately befallen the holidays nowadays, especially during Christmas. The prominence of social media adds to this, I believe.

Furthermore, Ms Myron also discussed how many people cope poorly around this time year due to anything relating to finances, making ends meet, depression, loneliness and more.

It is so important to remember that we shouldn’t fall into the trap of comparison, keeping up with the wrapped gifts expectations, parties, popularity etc but instead be grateful, knowing as adults that the best gifts do not come wrapped or under an oxygen-producing tree.

Personally, holidays have a different effect on me these years, as I don’t have blood family around me. I have some dear friends, mind you, but the anxiety of still being single and with a tight budget whilst anticipating the future is paramount.

Thank you for your columns. I look forward to reading them in the new year. I wish you all the best.

Megan Rumbelow