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Clock watching is a distraction

Eyes on the time: watching the clock can distract you from the task in hand

Clocks. We all have access to many varieties of timepieces including our phones, fitness bracelets, our computers — they seem to be everywhere! The challenge for all of us is to learn to use them when necessary and not to be constantly reminded minute by minute.

Productivity is related to effort, focus, and knowledge. When you have a critical task to do remove the “clocks” so you focus on the job at hand. A better way to say this is if you are energised and focused on a task the time will go quickly. As the old saying states — “a watched pot never boils”. As you approach this week and the work at hand practice the art of working on tasks and not watching the time — what you accomplish may surprise you! Have a great week.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”- Barack Obama, speech on February 5, 2008