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Butterfield falls 3.2%

Butterfield's 3.2 per cent fall prompted a 2.4 per cent fall for The Royal Gazette/BSX Index

Butterfield Bank shares fell 3.2 per cent in Bermuda Stock Exchange trading.

The bank slid $1.15 to close on $35 as 900 shares changed hands.

Butterfield’s fall caused The Royal Gazette/BSX Index to fall 51.72 points, or 2.4 per cent, to close on 2,091.73.

Butterfield’s New York Stock Exchange-listed shares fell 57 cents, or 1.6 per cent, to close on $35.52.

While Butterfield was the only stock price to change on the BSX, One Communications Ltd (3,600 shares), BF&M Ltd (3,100 shares) and Somers Ltd (1,200 shares) all saw trading activity.

Trading volume on the BSX totalled 8,800 shares, while turnover was $117,705.