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Students win awards from Kappa Alpha Psi

Charles Daniels High School Achievement awards (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Four young students have been given support by Kappa Alpha Psi as they continue their journey in higher education.

University students Tahj Cox, 20, and Kristian Singh, 17, were presented the fraternity’s Charles Joynes Education Award.

And Jay-Quan Dill, 18, from Berkeley Institute, and Sekai Wainwright-Basden, 17, from CedarBridge Academy, won the Charles Daniels High School Achievement awards.

Michael Albouy, representing the fraternity, said it was a privilege to meet and assist with the young men.

Mr Albouy said: “This is certainly what this programme is all about, in terms of helping young men aspire to become the best they can become.

“I think it’s good that this award exemplifies the values we represent, the achievement and zeal for continuous learning.”

He added: “There were a number of factors, but it came down to not just grade point average but also their community service.

“We were looking for well-rounded young men, and these gentlemen exemplify that.”

Mr Cox, who is studying neuroscience and biology at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, said he was thrilled to receive the award to help him with his education.

He said: “It feels good to get this award. I appreciate the confidence they have in me, and I’m happy they want to contribute to my future and in turn Bermuda’s future.

“It’s going to help provide funds for my education and help me to be the best I can be.”

Jay-Quan said the award has encouraged him to consider joining a fraternity as he begins his studies at Florida-based Nova Southeastern University.

He said: “I’m very honoured. As I transition to university I would like to join a fraternity, so this is a good stepping stone to see what a fraternity is like.

“I plan to go either into medicine of pharmaceutical studies, and I definitely want to come back to Bermuda.”

Krishna Singh, the father of Kristian Singh, thanked Kappa Alpha Psi on behalf of his son who was off-island.

Mr Singh said: “I would like to thank Kappa Alpha Phi, not just for the work you are doing in terms of money, but all of the things you do with community events.

“From my heart, I would like to say thank you for the entire country.”