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Group sends 30 kids to see Annie rehearsal

Giving support: Victor Scott Primary School pupils attend a dress rehearsal of Annie

Pupils from four central primary schools were treated to a night at the theatre thanks to a community organisation.

About 30 pupils from Northlands, Prospect, Victor Scott and West Pembroke were invited to attend a dress rehearsal of the Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Bermuda’s latest show, the musical Annie.

The trip was organised by Support Public Schools.

Julica Harvey, an SPS volunteer, said that the show was a smash hit with the children.

She said: “The kids had a really good time.”

SPS, a new group based on a US model, was set up to support teachers and pupils with donations of teaching equipment and other school supplies. The group presented about $40,000 worth of materials from its first donation drive to the island’s 18 public primary schools last month.

Ms Harvey said the dress rehearsal, which students attended last week, was part of the organisation’s cultural enrichment programme.

She added: “We wanted to be able to not just supply goods, but be able to give them experiences as well. If we find that there’s something we know that the kids can enjoy, we’re going to try and get as many of them there as we can.”

Ms Harvey said that the organisation wanted public school pupils to experience some of the same opportunities as pupils in the private sector.