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New Zealand beckons for eco-friendly student

Focus on conservation: Jendayi Joell is studying environmental science

A Bermudian student has been selected to attend an environmental sustainability conference taking place in New Zealand.

Jendayi Joell was one of 25 students attending North Carolina State University to be given the opportunity to attend the Sustaining Natural Environments conference and is seeking funds to cover her trip. She was chosen after submitting essays to a board at the university.

“The reason I picked the programme was because I am studying environmental science and my focus is on conservation and re-establishing natural habitats. New Zealand is unique in that it has several ecosystems in one country so you can find out how to manage different types of environments in a short period of time.

“We will also be studying the human dimensions of sustainability, which I think is really important if I come back to Bermuda. I think this will be the most important part because Bermuda as a country does not have huge natural landscapes but we do have some and I don’t think most people think about the steps they take or their interaction with nature in general — how they are either helping or harming it.

“To help sustain our natural environment for future generations we can have a Bermuda with parks and endemic species. People should be aware of certain things and understand how what they do affects the environment.

“I don’t think people realise the things that hurt native plants — they don’t realise how invasive species, or pollution or air quality affect those things as well.”

Ms Joell hopes to return to Bermuda after graduation to either work in the plant protection lab or for the Department of Conservation. She needs to raise about $3,500 towards her travel expenses, which is being arranged through the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce.