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Botanical group wants talks over park future

The Botanical Gardens' old maintenance yard (File photograph)

Botanical Gardens action group Take Back Our Park has expressed concern over plans to amend legislation governing Bermuda’s parks.

The Ministry of the Environment has stated it will table amendments to the National Parks Act, including turning Southlands into a park, during the House of Assembly session starting yesterday.

Responding in a press release, Take Back Our Park — which has waged a campaign against the construction of a maintenance yard in the Botanical Gardens — called for the Bermuda Government to seek consultation with environmental groups before making any changes to the law.

Spokeswoman Jennifer Flood stated: “While we are relieved to hear that after years of being in limbo Southlands will finally be granted protected status under the Parks Act, we are concerned that the public is in the dark as to other proposed changes planned to the Bermuda National Parks Act 1986.

“The Act is the key piece of legislation that protects all aspects of our parks, beaches as well as many other of our national treasures.

“We sincerely hope that prior to this important piece of legislation being brought to the House for debate, Government will reach out to the various environmental groups for input and appropriate feedback.”