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Postmaster-General is letting us down

Dear Sir,

I think you are already aware that two postal districts have not had a delivery service for about seven months now.

I was informed that a one-off delivery had been made, so went to check my box.

Not only did it have mail for me, which included a credit card statement going back to last October, but it also included a batch of mail for other owners scattered all over Southdown Farm.

We have 54 units here and went to vast expense to provide each owner with their own mailbox, housed in a purpose-built structure, to save the metal boxes from the influences of bad weather.

Not only is the Postmaster-General letting us down by not providing a post person for this area, the Southampton Post Office is letting us down by bundling mail that should be placed in separate boxes.

This is gross negligence on the part of all involved and the ramifications of not receiving bills and other important mail in a timely manner comes with a spin-off of possibly having utilities cut off.

The Government is acting in a cavalier manner in not ensuring that all residents of Bermuda receive their mail in a timely manner.