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It’s the sick racists who don’t know how to fit in

Dear Sir,There is so much talk going back and forth on social media about racism, I thought I should respond to it.I am a light-skinned man who was born in an African-Bermudian community who knows quite well what it is like to have racist mud thrown on you from both sides of the racial divide. To go through what I have gone through in a place we all like to call paradise has been really a hell for me. Over the years, I have realised that the introduction of racist ideology was used to support the social and economic divide between all ethnic groups not just in Bermuda but also through the Western world where people of colour lived. With the type of bitterness that I felt for not just being rejected by some of my own people, but also from those in the white community, one should have believed that the contagious disease of racism would have, by now, taken a deep hold in my mind in such a reactionary manner that I would by now know my place in society as racism has tried to dictate.But that psychological mindset just did not work on me as I had taken the time out to figure out just what the true intent of the racist agenda really was. I have developed my own brand of mental Teflon that could stand against any attack on me by others who suffer from the disease of chronic racism. So, I have well learnt how not to react to racist insults as some would like me to do. I have learnt not to prejudice people I don’t know based on what they look like. I have learnt that good and bad comes in all shades and colours and that not everybody of one ethnic group or the other possesses poor ethics or a confused mind. We must always remember that there are those among us who are psychologically and intellectually confused about reality and have not the slightest idea what it means to fit in and be a part of humanity.Remember it’s they who possess that chronic disease of racism that can’t fit in, for they will always be with us no matter what. So, I say to those from all ethnic backgrounds both black, white and others, who know what’s right and best, to stick with the fight against racism.For racism should be called out for just what it is, a confused chronic lunatic disease that has corrupted the minds of people who are unable to understand any form of true logic when it comes down to understanding that they are the essence of a failed social order that needs to be cured from a depraved mental sickness.E. McNEIL STOVELLPembroke