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Status quo continues no matter who’s in charge

Ecstatic Progressive Labour Party supporters after General Election victory in 2017 (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Dear Sir,I sometimes feel that I am the only one using my brain matter. Of course, that’s not really true, but that is just how I feel sometimes when I lay off in bed at night as my mind just runs wild about the state of affairs of not just what is happening in Bermuda, but the world as a whole. I understand that the problem of the community at large is diverse and it is that diversity that stops most of us from seeing the bigger picture. It also causes confusion and misunderstanding by some as to what should be done to make sure we elect the government we truly deserve. Mr Editor, I’m a part of that group of people who are politically fragmented based on their personal family problems that distract them from paying attention to the bigger picture. The reason why some of us are running away to where they think the grass is greener is because they have never owned or controlled the economic means of production, or were never able to. One of our biggest problems I see taking place from one election to the next is how our emotions just keep getting in the way of seeing the bigger picture. We go into the booth, cast our ballots, then run back under our rock of comfort where we have been hiding and hoping that our elected member would do as they had promised. But if they failed to do so, then there we would go again in the next election, repeating the same old tired process, looking to achieve the same old promises that were made to us more than ten elections ago. Maybe I’m confused, Mr Editor. What are we as the people supposed to have achieved through all the past elections? Here we are, years later, fleeing what we were claiming was the greatest little country in the world to go somewhere to become an insignificant minority — a powerless, economic refugee in someone else’s country. If changing political parties means only a difference in the way in which they’re managing the status quo, then what’s the purpose of having elections, if all we are doing is just flipping the same old rusty coin over and over again, and getting the same old regurgitated promises wrapped in a new package. Does that make sense?E. McNEIL STOVELLPembroke