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Hand offers glimpse of top game strategy

With the spring tournament schedule over things slow down a bit at the Bridge Club, but there is still enough going on to keep everyone interested and boost attendance.

Here is a message from tournament director Peter Donnellan on the immediate schedule at the Club:

“The WBF 2016 Worldwide Bridge event is scheduled to be held in two sessions — played on Friday evening, June 3, and Saturday afternoon, June 4. Players can participate in either or both sessions. We are accordingly scheduling an extra game at 7.30 on Friday evening, 3 June.

“We are also provisionally scheduling a game on Saturday afternoon at the (unusual) time of 2pm — but this latter game will only take place if there is sufficient support.

“A sign-up sheet is on the club noticeboard — please sign up if you would like to play in the game that afternoon.

“A decision will be taken on Wednesday, June 1 as to whether the Saturday game will go ahead.

“STaC: The District is organising another STaC week from June 13-17 — we will take advantage of this opportunity to hold games which will attract SILVER points.” So, enough going on for those that are interested. This week’s hand is a great example of what separates the top players from those that … are not. The hand revolves around the fight for that precious overtrick at Pairs

Dealer West E/W Vul. Duplicate pairs


S Q108

H 108

D 8764

C 8765


S None

H Q97653

D K952

C 943


S AKj53




West S 97642

H J42

D 3

C QJ102

South opened a strong 2 Clubs, North bid 2 Hearts (artificial) which showed a really bad hand, South bid 2 Spades (forcing for one round) and North tried to close the bidding by jumping to 4 Spades (Bad Hand — Fast arrival, with a better hand he would raise to 3 Spades).

South, however, understandably drove to slam and ended up in 6 No Trumps.

West led the Club Queen.

Twelve tricks are assured and a thirteenth is available if East has the Diamond King. If he has K, Kx, or Kxx it is all easy as you have two entries to dummy in the Spade suit to finesse twice — but if he has Kxxx or Kxxxx you need to get there three times to finesse.

So, let’s take an average player against an average defender. Win the Club, Spade to the 10 seeing that East shows out, Diamond finesse, Spade to the 8, Diamond finesse, Spade to the Queen, Diamond finesse — 13 tricks! Well done … but lucky!

Let’s take the same declarer against a good defender — win the Club, Spade to the 10 seeing that East shows out, Diamond finesse, Spade to the ... West plays the nine!

Now there are no more entries to dummy for the third Diamond finesse — 12 Tricks only.

Now, let’s look at the expert declarer. Win the Club, play the Spade Jack overtaking with the Queen (key play) and seeing that East shows out, Diamond finesse, Spade to the 8, Diamond finesse, Spade to the ten, Diamond finesse — 13 tricks. Well done … and no luck involved, just brilliant planning.

Just a glimpse of what happens at the top level of the game where most declarers, probably not all, will find that play.

Nothing to get demoralised about if you don’t think you will ever get there because that will apply to most, but certainly something to enjoy if you love the artistry of this great game.

The latest results from Bermuda Bridge Club

Monday, May 9

1 Louise Rodger-Lyn O’Neill

1 Diana Diel-Molly Taussig

2 Sue & John Hodge

2 Trish Colmet-Aida Bostelmann

3 Margaret Kirk-L. Anderson

3 Ellen Davidson-Diana Kempe


1 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith

2 Rachael Gosling-Elizabeth McKee

3 Mike Viotti-John Burville

Tuesday, May 10

1 Carol Jones-Wendy Salvia

1 Linda Abend-Noula Contibas

2 Felicity Lunn-gina Graham

2 Lane Martin-John Luebemann

3 ML Burnett-Willi Chr’sen

3 Justen Brenden-David Bedard

Wednesday, May 11

1 Diana Diel-Judy Bussell

1 Linda & Bill Pollett

2 Sue & John Hodge

2 Richard & Wendy Gray

3 Janice Trott-Michael Buckley

3 Judy King-Aida Bostelmann

Thursday, May 12


1 Martha Ferguson-George Correia

2 Susan & Peter Adhemar

3 Linda Abend-Christine Lloyd-Jennings


1 David Cordon-Misha N.

1 Sue & John Hodge

2 Judy Bussell-Stephanie Kyme

2 Gertie Barker-John Glynn

3 Jane Smith-Alan Douglas

3 Rachael Gosling-Simon Giffen

Friday, May 13

1 Louise Rodger-Molly Taussig

1 Diana Diel-Elizabeth McKee

2 Janice Trott-Dorry Lusher

2 Christine Lloyd-Jennings- A. Bostelmann

3 Russ & Dee Craft

3 Barb & Pat Cerra

Monday, May 16

1 Richard & Wendy Gray

1 Elizabeth Mckee - Stephanie Kyme

2 Diana Diel-Molly Taussig

2 Annabelle Mann-Nea Willits

3 Gertie Barker-Peter D.

3 Pat Sidde-Anne Edwards


1 David Cordon-David Sykes

2 Alan Douglas-Marilynn Simmons

3 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith

Tuesday, May 17

1 Linda Abend-Christine LJ

1 Louise Payne-Debby Jhuboo

2 ML Burnett-Willi Chr’sen

2 Joyce Pearson-Martha Fraser

3 Richard Keane-D. Pickering

3 Nikki Boyce-Lisa Ferrari

Wednesday, May 18

1 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith

1 Lyn O’Neil-Molly Taussig

2 Russ & Dee Craft

2 Aida Bostelmann-Judy King

3 Jean Johnson-Dorry Lusher

3 Bill & Linda Pollett

Thursday, May 19

Junior Teams

1 Elma Anfossi-Christine Lloyd-Jennings-Noula Contibas-Linda Abend

2/2/3 Richard Hall-James Fraser-David Pickering-Richard Keane

2/3 Ellen Davidson-Annabelle Mann-Dianna Kempe-Kathy Keane

4 Lorna Andersonn-Ernset Paynter-Ruby Douglas-Delton Outerbridge

Open Teams

1 John Burville-David Cordon-Stephanie & Eddie Kyme

2 Misha Novakovic-Marg Way-Charles Hall-David Sykes

3 Richard & Wendy Gray-Elizabeth McKee-Mike Viotti

4 Judy Bussell-John Glynn-Diana Diel-Lyn O’Neill

Friday, May 20

1 Elizabeth McKee-Diana Diel

2 Pat Hayward-Michael Bickley

3 Russ & Dee Craft