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No quick fix for a healthy lifestyle

Start slow: you don’t have to begin with a marathon, try little challenges at first

Nobody likes to be the bearer of bad news but we have been sold a lie. This lie has been sold with every 30-day weight loss programme or with every quick-fix exercise regime.

“Just drink this shake, take this pill, do ten minutes of this exercise a day and you will have the body of your dreams.”

In the world of quick-fix everything, it is hard to sell the idea of doing something for ever.

Nothing good ever happens overnight. Yes, you could lose some weight really quick or start the ball rolling for a new healthy lifestyle, but the real magic happens after those 30 days.

Don’t get caught up in the lie. You can’t go back to your old habits once your programme is over. You can’t stop eating healthy once you reach a goal. You have to keep going.

A healthy lifestyle is a commitment that you make for ever.

So how do we wrap our heads around the idea of never reaching the end, that this will be a lifetime commitment? How do we not run for the hills or just give up right away?

Fall in love with the process

Those of you who are married know that a lifetime commitment isn’t always easy.

Some days you just want to throw in the towel, but you don’t. You keep fighting because you know life is so much better together. It’s the same with a healthy lifestyle. Fall in love with your routine, with fuelling your body with foods that nourish you, that hour of “you time” in the gym. When you love the process, you couldn’t imagine life without it.

Baby steps

If the idea of for ever makes you break out in a rash, take it slow. Create little goals to keep you motivated. Have something you are working towards until you look forward to exercise.

Stay accountable

Challenges will keep you accountable in the short term but keeping to your regime for longer-term goals is important.

Find a fitness buddy, a form of exercise you love, make small changes over time.

In a world of quick fixes and fad diets, try to see the whole picture. What does fitness mean to you? What do the next three, five, 20 years look like?

What are your goals and does your lifestyle give you the health required for these? It won’t happen overnight but that is OK. Slow and steady wins the race.

Cassandra Matcham is a Yoga Alliance-certified yoga instructor, studio and group fitness manager at Alchemy Fitness. She specialises in accountability and goal-setting to help clients reach their full potential. Follow Alchemy Fitness on Facebook: AlchemyFitnessBermuda or e-mail info@alchemy.bm