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Hand shows a really neat Declarer play

Quite a few things happening at the Bridge Club for you to note in your diaries.

Firstly, the evening games on Mondays May 1 and 8 have been cancelled as a number of Open pairs will be away in Guatemala for the CACBF event.

Secondly, commencing May 9, the Tuesday and Thursday evening games will now have a starting time of 6.30pm in response to the Member Survey, which was recently completed.

And, last but not least, we then have the Non-Life Master Pairs on May 11 and 18.

So, take note of all of that so that you don’t show up at the club all on your own!

This week’s hand is an interesting Declarer play problem and one South found the right answer to.

Dealer West Both Vul


Spades: AJ95

Hearts: 832

Diamonds: AQ

Clubs: Q1054


Spades: 62

Hearts: AKQ106

Diamonds: 85

Clubs: KJ93


Spades: 43

Hearts: J74

Diamonds: 10976432

Clubs: 6


Spades: KQ1087

Hearts: 95

Diamonds: KJ

Clubs: A872

The bidding was over quickly. West opened 1 Heart, North doubled and South made the very practical bid of 4 Spades — looking for slam on these hands is usually a fool’s game.

West started with three rounds of Hearts and clearly all South had to do is avoid two Club losers.

Both declarers saw that West had to have the Club King for his opening bid but they then approached the play quite differently. Declarer in the Open Room ruffed the Heart, drew two rounds of trumps, cashed the Diamonds and then led the Ace of Clubs and a low Club. West played the nine and after much navel gazing declarer played the Queen — down one!

Unlucky, as that play would work whenever Clubs were 3-2, but it was not to be.

Declarer in the Closed Room did better. After ruffing the Heart and drawing trumps he led a low Club and put in the Queen which held. He now cashed both the Diamonds ending in hand and led another low Club in this position:


Spades: AJ



Clubs: 1054



Hearts: 106


Clubs: KJ9




Diamonds: 109764



Spades: 1087



Clubs: A87

West won the Jack but was now end-played into either leading another Club or giving declarer ruff and discard by playing a Heart — really neat Declarer play!